
Inner effectiveness, by Entourage’s Manoshi Banerjee

Entourage’s Manoshi Banerjee’s introverted personality has taught her how to make sure communications work.

By Manoshi Banerjee, PR manager, Entourage, Marketing & Events

I chose comms as a profession not despite being an introvert but because of it. Being an introvert taught me to communicate only when necessary, to be concise and effective, layout the facts and use logic behind reasoning. As an introvert, I seldom go on ranting about my point of view without having the audience for it or making sense. Growing up, it never made sense to me why people spoke so much. I always wondered: How do they string all their thoughts together? Now, as a professional, I use everything that being an introvert has taught me and channel it into my work.
In the past decade, the channels of communications have

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