
The powerful impact of a ‘Quality of Life’ podcast

Raha Moharrak dives deep into the drives, struggles and triumphs of female athletes and leaders

In the rapidly growing podcast landscape, ‘Quality of Life’ stands out as a singular, impactful voice amplifying the stories of trailblazing women in sports, especially in the Middle East.

Hosted by Raha Moharrak, the youngest Arab and first Saudi woman to summit Mount Everest and the Seven Summits, the show dives deep into the drives, struggles and triumphs of female athletes and leaders.

“Not everyone will climb Everest, but they will climb their own Everest,” Raha says of the mindset she hopes to inspire in listeners. “It’s about that tenacity, consistency, perseverance – getting up, again and again, no matter how many times you’re knocked down.”

What makes Quality of Life so compelling is Raha’s unique perspective shaped by her own experiences overcoming immense challenges as a woman in the male-dominated world of alpinism.

From being subjected to expletives and disrespect from male climbers who doubted her capabilities, to the grueling lows of injuries, lack of food, and feeling utterly broken on expeditions – Raha persevered through it all with incredible grit and an unwavering determination to never give up.

“There was one point on Denali where I had lost all my toenails, had eczema, tummy ulcers – I was a mess mentally and physically,” Raha recounts. “But my father’s belief in me motivated me to keep going when I didn’t believe in myself anymore.

Seeing the pride in his eyes after I finally summited that mountain was the most amazing moment for me, even more than the summit itself.”

These hard-won lessons in resilience, focus, and refusing to be limited by others’ prejudices directly inform Raha’s empathetic, insightful approach as a host.

“We get to the depth of why people do what they do – where do they find that motivation and tenacity to come back again and again, to train and push themselves,” Raha explains. “We can all learn from that.”

By centering her podcast squarely on giving a platform to diverse female trailblazers and change-makers, Raha is part of a crucial movement.

As Juliette Nicholls, founder of “Quality of Life’s” production company, Pineapple Audio Production, states, “We love the diversity of guests we’ve managed to secure, and the stories they have to share…We couldn’t help but share these stories.”

From the first female Saudi Olympic rower and boxing coach to a Paralympics medalist overcoming disability, to influencers championing fitness and holistic wellness – the array of narrative arcs is as vast and multifaceted as womanhood itself.

In a region undergoing rapid social and cultural transformation, with Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 catalysing new opportunities for women across all sectors including sports, Quality of Life’s mission is both timely and vital.

“The Vision 2030 has women and movement at its core,” notes Raha. “It’s all about improving the opportunities for women in fitness, wellness, and sports arenas. We’re very excited to see the changes and achievements ahead.”

“We want to offer inspiration to women across the world that they can do whatever they set their heart on doing,” says Juliette. “If these women can do it, the listener absolutely can.”

“Quality of Life” is released in Arabic and English, every Friday, and can be found on all major listening platforms.