
Samsung’s comeback at Apple with ‘Creativity cannot be crushed’ ad

Samsung has revealed its ‘Creativity Cannot be Crushed’ ad in response to Apple’s recent ad.

The spot emphasises a key message: creativity is innate and cannot be stifled by technology. It aims to resonate with Samsung’s commitment to helping individuals to unleash their creativity with their innovative products.

Agency BBH USA and filmmaker Zen Pace quickly pulled the spot together following Apple’s stumble last week.

Olga Suvorova, VP of mobile experience marketing, Samsung Electronics America, said: “Championing creativity is at the core of our brand – from building innovative consumer experiences that open up new possibilities to redefining how we engage the creative community with our TeamGalaxy Creator Collective,

“This belief is not just core to us. Creativity also drives our diverse and passionate communities – who inspire us to develop both products and experiences that empower people to bring their ideas to life.”

Estefanio Holtz, executive creative director, BBH USA, said: “More than a response, this is a celebration of all creative souls. True artists, makers and creators know that creativity always finds a way,”