
The adventure begins, Tonic International and Blippar create AR experience for Coco Pops

Blippar tailors a AR experience for Kellogg’s Coco Pops.

At the start of 2020, Tonic International acquired Kellogg’s Coco Pops and was tasked by the very ambitious client, Line Legasal, to create more brand recognition and get kids to engage and build affinity with their renowned mascot, Coco the monkey.

Gone are the days of in-box toys and comic books, the new tech-driven generation craves a new form of entertainment: augmented reality. Tonic’s creatives set to work conceptualizing a simple yet effective storyline that would see Kellogg’s Coco the monkey travel through a chocolatey vortex to various destinations across the globe collecting precious golden cocoa pods.

The game’s storyline, dialogue, illustrations, and point of sale com

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