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Digital Essays 2024: Louder than awards

Hashtag’s Amer Massimi writes why the share button–not awards–is the true measure of creative effectiveness.

Amer Massimi, share
Amer Massimi, CEO, Hashtag on the influence of shares, and how the share button is the true measure of creative effectiveness.

There’s a lot of talk in the industry about what makes a creative campaign truly effective. While brands and agencies work hard to capture attention, the real question is: what impact does that creativity have on audience engagement, specifically in terms of sharing? After all, isn’t sharing a sign that people were not just entertained or informed, but that they were compelled enough to spread the message? Yet, despite the tangible influence of shares, we rarely see this metric emphasised when celebrating campaign success.

Creative effectiveness is typically evaluated by panels of ‘experts’ and marketers at major award shows. The biggest stages of advertising are marked by glitzy awards and recognition, with campaigns lauded for originality, visuals, and storytelling. But how is effectiveness truly measured? Are we defining success based on what experts think will resonate with consumers, or on the actual impact these campaigns have in real-world conversations and reach? Many awards still rely on subjective interpretations rather than concrete data to assess creativity, often rewarding the most polished productions; ultimately deciding whether a campaign is memorable, compelling, and worthy of sharing with their friends and family. In an era dominated by digital experiences, the setup of judging creativity needs to evolve. The audience, more than any panel, should hold the reins of determining which ads are deemed effective and successful.

The digital age has made this possible, shifting the power of judgment from a few experts to millions of viewers worldwide. Today, social media platforms provide an unprecedented level of visibility into consumer behaviour. And with this shift came a powerful metric that captures audience approval instantly: the share button. Unlike traditional metrics, which can sometimes feel vague or disconnected, the share button is a direct representation of consumer endorsement.

The beauty of using shares as a measure of creative effectiveness is its simplicity. Any ad can be judged based on how many people felt it was good enough to share. It’s a fair and democratic metric that leaves no room for subjective interpretation; it’s not about who thought it was clever or well-designed—it’s about how many people cared enough to pass it along. In this sense, the share button cuts through the noise and provides an honest look at the ad’s true impact on its audience.

Shares represent popularity and interest in a straightforward way. They’re essentially the modern-day word of mouth, a digital nod from one person to another saying, ‘You need to see this.’ And the more shares an ad gets, the more it spreads, becoming a measure of cultural penetration and relevance. Social sharing offers a unique view into how effective a commercial is in generating interest and engaging its audience in an authentic, impactful way.

Of course, this metric can be both fair and harsh. Some ads that are highly praised by industry insiders might fall flat when presented to the public, leading to few shares. Conversely, a campaign that might not meet traditional ‘award-winning standards could achieve viral status purely because of its relatability, humour or emotional impact. In the end, the number of shares an ad garners reflects its true effectiveness. It’s a measure that doesn’t discriminate; it simply reveals what the audience thinks. Shares, in this way, become the ultimate judge of creativity, showing what truly resonates with people and what doesn’t.

So, as we navigate the evolving landscape of digital marketing, it’s time to shift our focus. Let’s allow the share button to play a larger role in determining which campaigns deserve recognition, moving beyond industry insiders to embrace the audience’s voice. This approach doesn’t just add a layer of authenticity to our measures of success; it reflects the reality that creativity, at its best, is defined by the people it aims to reach.

By Amer Massimi, CEO, Hashtag.