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Celebs and brands are coming to BeReal


BeReal has launched RealPeople and RealBrands accounts.

RealPeople allows renowned people such as actors, athletes, and musicians to share behind the scene moments of their life with users. All content shared is unfiltered, unedited and unscripted moments.

RealBrands offers official brand accounts to showcase promotions and offers. Users can follow their favourite brands and celebrities, tag them and re-share their BeReal.

The launch aims to create authentic experiences and allow users to keep connected with people they admire.

The experiences shows famous people and brands can also equally have boring and interesting times in their daily lives. This helps improve the negativity and unrealistic curated lives seen on social media platforms.

People want to connect and see faces behind the filters, people behind the brands, and messy moments in life we all have.

BeReal is now taking applications from accounts to appear in these new feeds, via an application in the app.

The app currently has  23 million daily active users and is driving interest, which is attracting more celebrities and brands.

For brands and marketers, it could be a good opportunity to connect with their target audience and presents a good promotional opportunity.