
Is AI the path to a winning marketing strategy?

IFZA's Adam Taylor reflects on using AI automation as a marketing tool

Enhanced customer experiences have become key market differentiators, elevating the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in businesses.

Despite mixed opinions on AI and conversations around AI oscillating between promises and fears, its integration into business operations is undeniable, offering us unprecedented efficiencies and enhanced operations; its unrealised potential hinting at a truly remarkable future.

I’m a staunch advocate of this technology, and I believe AI is not just an enhancement but a fundamental shift in how we approach productivity and creativity in marketing.

Smart personalisation through AI

Marketers juggle numerous tasks: campaign management, data analysis, customer segmentation, content creation, and more. AI can take over these tasks and free up time for us to focus on strategy and creativity.

Our team leverages AI to analyse a vast volume of data sets to identify trends and patterns, predict market movements, and map out the customer journey through various touchpoints, in relation to our competitors.

IFZA uses AI in both programmatic and Google ads. We recently tested campaigns like Customer Match, that leverages first party data and signals in Machine Learning to reach the right audience.

We are also currently in the process of testing Google Demand Gen ads that are essentially powered by Google AI to help find and convert users using dynamic, multi-format creatives that induce action in the spur of the moment.

Adam Taylor, Director of Marketing at IFZA

Using AI has altered our approach to marketing by enabling us to create more targeted and personalised campaigns.

We now focus on highly targeted marketing strategies that speak directly to the needs and preferences of our individual partners and clients.

This level of customisation not only increases the likelihood of attracting new businesses but also plays a huge part in maintaining partner and customer loyalty.

Onboarding AI

Imagine ads that practically create themselves to cater to targeted audiences, content that is more engaging and data analytics so smart that it can do hours of work in a few clicks. These are a marketer’s arsenal for navigating a very promising digital landscape that is readily available today.

Tools such as Similar Web, SEM Rush, Surfer SEO, Fullstory and Zoho provide deeper insights into marketing campaigns and assist with keyword search, content marketing, competitor research and campaign management.

Google Looker Studio can be used to bring together various aspects of marketing in one place, connecting to different data sources to transform that data into informative, customizable and easy-to-share dashboards. This dashboard can also be integrated with AI to create more effective marketing campaigns, enabling optimal decision-making.

Integrating AI into our overall marketing efforts not only increases the efficiency and accuracy of our marketing efforts but also ensures we stay ahead in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Future Integrations with AI

As we move forward, it is important to embrace the simple fact that AI is here to stay.

It feels like we are in the early innings of a change that is permeating our lives and transforming the way we work. Marketers should be well versed in AI advancements to stay ahead of the curve in an ever-evolving industry.

Despite the incredible capabilities of AI, the human element remains indispensable to date. Creativity, empathy, logical reasoning, and, above all, strategic thinking, are qualities that are beyond technology’s reach. Hence, the concerns over AI taking over our jobs are unfounded.

We should always see these advanced tools as enablers of our strengths, allowing us to push the boundaries of what is possible.

Written by Adam Taylor, Director of Marketing at IFZA.