It is a fact; hunger is a universal threat, and its effects are still very much felt in many countries around the world. Covid-19 has intensified the hunger crisis and pushed vulnerable communities into further despair.
52 million people in the MENA region go to bed hungry each night. Globally, 820 million people are undernourished; these are not only numbers on paper; these are facts. The hunger crisis is real, but how do we make people listen?
Living in a digital age where oversharing has become a habit – 60 per cent of millennials eat with their cameras first, whether, at home or a restaurant, there are always cameras hovering over plates.
This social experiment launched as part of the 100 Million Meals campaign. It aimed to change perceptions of how we share food and drive action. We printed a hidden QR code on the plates, which triggers a message once someone attempts to snap a picture of their food to share; once they open the message, it will redirect them to donate on

“The fact that so many still face hunger today should alarm us all, especially when we enjoy a satisfying meal. This operation, which targets foodies who know a good meal when they see one, has proven, once again, that context is a powerful amplifier. We could not have had the message, the audience, the time, the place, even the tech more perfectly aligned, and the results prove it. The operation struck a chord and the response has been excellent”, said Khaled AlShehhi, Executive Director of Digital Communication at the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives.
Besides joining global efforts to combat world hunger, the ‘100 Million Meals’ campaign also aims to spread awareness on food waste and promote responsible food consumption.
Little things make a big difference.
Share your meal, the right way
Creative: The Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives
Production: Socialeyez