
InsuranceMarket’s CEO talks radio jingles, Alfred and building a UAE brand

Avinash Babur, CEO at Insurancemarket.ae, talks to Campaign Middle East editor Justin Harper about his marketing strategy

Brand mascot Alfred

Anyone who regularly listens to local radio stations on their office commute will surely know the InsuranceMarket.ae jingle, given how frequently it is played across a multitude of stations.

And then there’s the brand’s growing presence on billboards around Dubai.

Some, including Campaign Middle East, have been wondering just how big InsuranceMarket.ae’s marketing budget is, given how prominently it features in Dubai.

Campaign Middle East editor Justin Harper reached out to InsuranceMarket.ae’s CEO Avinash Babur to ask him this question and others.

InsuranceMarket.ae is very prominent on the radio – how long has it been present on this medium?

For over thirteen years, InsuranceMarket.ae has been using radio’s widespread reach and impact to engage with our audience in the UAE. This enduring presence has not only amplified our voice but also reinforced our position as the market leader in the insurance industry. Our strategic use of radio has enabled us to maintain a consistent and engaging dialogue with our customers, making insurance more relatable and accessible to a wide audience.

How often do you update jingles and radio ads?

To ensure our message remains fresh, engaging, and aligned with our strategic goals, we update our jingles and radio ads approximately every quarter. This commitment to staying current and relevant reflects our leadership position in the market. By regularly refreshing our content, we not only capture the attention of our audience but also demonstrate our dynamic approach to communicating the benefits of our services.

Insurancemarket.ae’s CEO Avinash Babur

Some critics say the ads are annoying – what’s your response?

We value all feedback, understanding it as a vital component of our continuous improvement process. Our goal is to be memorable and effective, and many of our KPIs demonstrate that we are loved and trusted by much of the UAE population when it comes to their insurance requirements. Our strategy is to balance creative content and message frequency to ensure we remain in our audience’s minds as the leading insurance provider in the UAE, without compromising the quality of their listening experience. We see criticism as an opportunity to refine our approach and further cement our status as a market leader who listens and adapts.

Do you feel the brand has become well known enough now?

InsuranceMarket.ae’s brand recognition has grown substantially, making us not just well-known but the largest platform in the UAE insurance space. This achievement is a direct result of our innovative marketing strategies, exceptional customer service, and the commitment to providing tailored insurance solutions. Our prominence in the market is not solely about brand awareness but also about being synonymous with reliability, trustworthiness, and excellence in service.

And billboards – what’s the strategy there?

Our OOH advertising not only enhances our visibility but also strengthens our brand identity, especially putting a face to the name of our brand mascot Alfred, reinforcing our status as the premier choice for insurance in the UAE.

Do you feel Alfred (the brand’s mascot) can become the face of Dubai?

Alfred, as the embodiment of InsuranceMarket.ae’s values, has the potential to be not just the face of our brand but a symbol of innovative service in Dubai. His persona resonates with our mission to provide exceptional, customer-centric insurance solutions, reflecting our leadership position in the market.

Credit: William Harper

You are active on social media asking people to share pics of billboards – tell us more about this community of fans?

This is part of our broader strategy to engage with our community in a meaningful way. This engagement fosters a sense of belonging and excitement around our brand. Our community of fans is a vibrant testament to our brand’s impact, showcasing the loyalty and enthusiasm of our customers and the public. This initiative not only amplifies our visibility but also solidifies our relationship with our audience, further reinforcing our market leadership.