
How does advertising affect UAE and KSA travellers?

The YouGov survey looks at their attitudes towards media as well as the types of brand communication that triggers a purchase

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YouGov MENA launched a new survey covering the habits and attitudes of cultural travellers to UAE and KSA.

These cultural travellers aim to immerse themselves into both the country’s cultures.

When it comes to their media consuming habits, according to the Survey, 64 per cent of these travellers agreed that advertisements help them to choose what to buy.

Advertisements play a significant role in making people aware of opportunities as well as giving them the ability to plan their itinerary during their stay.

What are their attitudes towards media and advertising?

When asked questioned about their attitudes or stand towards statements regarding media and advertising, a large percentage of the travellers agreed to them.

The results were divided in two groups – travellers to KSA and UAE, separately.

76 per cent of UAE travellers agreed that they often noticed ads in airports, while only 66 per cent of travellers to KSA were in agreement for the same.

Both groups had the same amount of people saying that they preferred to see real looking people in ads (73 per cent).

On the other hand, there was only a slight disparity when it came to brands having a moral message.

More UAE travellers (75 per cent) said that they liked when companies have a moral message than KSA travellers (74 per cent).

Credit: Getty

What triggers purchases among these travellers?

Apart from their attitudes towards media, the survey also looked at what type of communication triggered a purchase.

Offers via social media seemed to be the most popular option for a purchase trigger with 43 per cent of UAE travellers and 41 per cent of KSA travellers agreeing.

The option that was popular among both groups was branded emails. They triggered a purchase in 30 per cent of UAE and 35 per cent of KSA travellers.

The final significantly popular option was online newsletters. 21 per cent of UAE and 18 per cent of KSA travellers seemed to consider this option as a trigger.

The survey also found that both groups were generally more likely to spend more while travelling.

72 per cent of UAE travellers and 69 per cent of KSA travellers agreed that they were generally excited to generally spend more when travelling.