
The Annual: Top 20 cinema advertisements of 2024

Middle East’s leading cinema advertising representative Motivate Val Morgan has handpicked 20 of the top ads that graced the big screen in 2024, presented in no particular order.

Cinema Ads

In 2024, the cinematic landscape thrived with a mix of global blockbusters and regional films, establishing Middle Eastern cinemas as hubs for entertainment and brand engagement. Cinemas evolved into cultural spaces, drawing millions to experience films like Dune: Part Two, Inside Out 2, and Deadpool and Wolverine.

Simultaneously, regional hits like X Merati strengthened local connections, showing that cinema here reflects both its people and global cinema.

With the MVM cinema circuit attracting more than 33 million moviegoers annually, advertisers leveraged this audience with campaigns. Delivered through its cinema planning and measurement dashboard, these campaigns showcased how cinema bridges the gap between experiential and on-screen engagement. From captivating on-screen ads to interactive lobby displays and sampling, these campaigns kept brands at the forefront of audience attention.

The Top 20 cinema ads of 2024 celebrate this synergy of storytelling and innovation, highlighting campaigns that resonated deeply with regional audiences. Exploring these creative efforts reveals cinema’s enduring appeal, combining technological advancements with the timeless allure of the big screen.

This list is part of Campaign Middle East’s The Annual 2024 issue – which also features in-depth lists such as the Top 20 news storiesTop 20 media milestonesTop 20 movers and shakers, Top 15 film campaigns and Top 20 integrated and digital campaigns

Hermes cinema ad


Title: Join the Hermès Pony Dance

Media agency: Havas

MVM chose this ad because… it brilliantly combines vibrant visuals with rhythmic energy, creating a cinematic experience that celebrates Hermès’ equestrian heritage with a playful twist. Humans take centre stage, elegantly mimicking the graceful movements of dressage, making it a unique, immersive ad for the big screen.


Title: #ValuingOurRoots

MVM chose this ad because… this campaign masterfully weaves the critical message of minimising food loss and waste into a heartfelt generational storytelling format. Its evocative narrative, centred on valuing tradition and sustainability, feels right at home on the cinema screen, where its emotional depth and cultural resonance truly shine.

Central Bank of Kuwait cinema ad

Central Bank of Kuwait

Title: Diraya

Media agency: BPG Kuwait

MVM chose this ad because… it cleverly uses humour to communicate an important message about the dangers of sharing personal details online, raising awareness of the risks of online fraud. The brand’s consistent use of comedy across its campaigns to address serious issues is a smart and effective strategy that enhances the accessibility and impact of its message.


Title: Choose the One Who Understands You

Media agency: Cheil Egypt

MVM chose this ad because… the campaign, featuring Egyptian influencer Ahmed El-Ghandour, smartly blends humour and relatability to connect with millennials and Gen Z.

Its over-the-top creativity takes full advantage of cinema’s immersive environment, transforming the ad into an engaging experience that effectively captures the attention of tech-savvy audiences.

Diriyah Cinema Ad

Diriyah Gate Development Authority

Title: The City of Earth

MVM chose this ad because… of the striking portrayal of Diriyah’s transformation into a global cultural destination. Blending cinematic grandeur with rich storytelling, the campaign captivates with stunning visuals. Its extended format,  celebrating Diriyah’s unique role in preserving and showcasing Saudi Arabia’s cultural heritage, lends to the cinematic experience that audiences expect.

Yas Island cinema ad

Yas Island

Title: Chief Island Officer – Ryan Reynolds

Media agency: Initiative

MVM chose this ad because… Ryan Reynolds’ comedic brilliance transforms this campaign into a shared cinematic delight. Leveraging the big screen’s appeal, the ad amplifies Yas Island’s adventurous spirit while highlighting Reynolds’ charisma, perfectly aligning with the brand’s playful and vibrant persona.

Emirates NBD cinema ad

Emirates NBD

Title: Financial Wellbeing

Media agency: Digitas

MVM chose this ad because… its exceptional use of musical storytelling combines with stunning animated visuals. The ad draws the audience into a journey that spans generations, effectively conveying the importance of financial education and the vital role financial institutions play at every stage of life.

Aspire cinema ad

Aspire UAE

Title: Abu Dhabi Autonomous Racing League (A2RL)

MVM chose this ad because… it leverages the unmatched power of cinema’s state-of-the-art screens and sound systems to immerse adventure-loving moviegoers in the thrilling future of autonomous racing. Its high octane visuals and exceptional surround sound make it a perfect fit for the cinematic experience, leaving audiences captivated and curious about the innovative concept of the event.

CFI cinema ad


Title: Pushing My Limits

MVM chose this ad because… by enlisting Lewis Hamilton, the ad masterfully applies the power of celebrity endorsement to deliver its core message: success is built on the foundation of data and intelligence. Combining the F1 driver’s iconic stature with a clear narrative, the campaign looks larger than life on the cinema screen.


Title: Careem Pay

Media agency: Red Dot Media

MVM chose these ads because… as part of a two-piece campaign designed to engage distinct expat communities in the UAE, these ads leverage cinema’s unparalleled ability to hyper-target diverse audiences. The strategic use of humour not only amplifies their relatability but also enhances their memorability, showcasing how to create a lasting impact on the big screen.

Rolex cinema ad


Title: #Perpetual

Media agency: Mindshare

MVM chose this ad because… it spotlights cinematic legend Martin Scorsese in a masterful celebration of timeless artistry and heritage. Part of a two-part series that also features James Cameron, the campaign seamlessly weaves Rolex’s iconic timepieces into a narrative of creativity, legacy and cinematic elegance.


Title: #ItsAlwaysBurberryWeather

Media agency: OMD

MVM chose this ad because… the quirky, visually stunning ad, featuring Olivia Colman, blurs the lines between advertising and cinematic storytelling. Its engaging narrative transports the audience into a world that feels more like a scene from a film, creating an experience that audiences don’t want to end.


Title: The Heart of Every Celebration

MVM chose this ad because… it captures the essence of celebrating life’s most cherished moments. It takes viewers on a grand Bollywood-like visual journey through diverse celebrations, where every occasion becomes a reason to celebrate. Joyalukkas’ elegant jewellery designs add a touch of sparkle and emphasise the significance of each special moment.


Title: E–Class with Personalised Experiences

Media agency: Resolution MENA

MVM chose this ad because… the campaign masterfully highlights a heartfelt bond between a father, played by Antonio Banderas, and his daughter, elegantly intertwined with the advanced technology of the E-Class. Strategically launched alongside Gladiator 2, this thoughtful alignment reinforces Mercedes-Benz’s brand values of sophistication, innovation, and emotional storytelling, creating a memorable and impactful viewing experience.


Title: Defy Ordinary

Media agency: OMD

MVM chose this ad because… the campaign stands out by showcasing regional icons and trailblazers, including Mishaal Ashemimry, Reem Al-Kuthairi, Faisal Jawad, Ali Al Jabri, Carla Chamoun and Nayla Al Khaja, who embody the spirit of defying the ordinary. The ad effectively uses cinematic storytelling to link these powerful figures to the brand’s message of excellence, pushing boundaries, and transforming challenges into opportunities.

Chanel Coco Crush

Title: Some Encounters You Wear Forever

Media agency: PHD

MVM chose this ad because… it combines captivating visuals with a game of luck and destiny, set to the irresistible rhythm of Jamie xx’s It’s So Good. Featuring Chanel ambassadors such as Jennie (BlackPink), Lucy Boynton, and Amandla Stenberg, the ad celebrates timeless elegance, seamlessly blending classic beauty with contemporary flair – making it a perfect fit for the cinema canvas.

Panda Retail Company

Title: Better Together

MVM chose this ad because… it effectively communicates the urgency for change in unhealthy habits amidst the chaos of everyday life through fast-paced visuals and a vibrant voiceover. Cinema’s engaging environment enhances this approach, ensuring the message remains focused and impactful, with every detail amplified by the big-screen experience.

National Water Company – KSA

Title: Father Says

Media agency: Veyron Marketing

MVM chose this ad because… it showcases a dynamic group of young heroes championing water conservation, blending a powerful environmental message with an engaging narrative. By appealing to a younger audience, the campaign brings a critical issue to life, resonating deeply with this year’s cinema demographic.

Tawuniya Insurance

Title: Tawuniya Mobile App

MVM chose this ad because… the campaign effectively highlights the ease and efficiency of the Tawuniya Mobile App, blending practicality with light-hearted humour. By leveraging cinema’s charm, it delivers a narrative that redefines everyday insurance experiences, regaling our audience with a fresh perspective.

Boubyan Bank

Title: We Work Very Well

Media agency: Zenith Media

MVM chose this ad because… it uses an office setting to creatively show how individuals are different and so are their needs. This almost seamless, movie-like, single-shot commercial evokes cinematic storytelling while positioning Boubyan Bank as a dynamic, human-centric solution to modern financial challenges.

Read all the lists from Campaign Middle East’s The Annual issue here.