The Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Centre (MBRSC) today announced that it will launch a new space-related TV series, Majarat, across its social media accounts. The show falls under the larger umbrella of the online MBRSC Channel, which will be scaled up to include other programmes, podcasts and new shows in the future. The platform aims to propagate scientific information for everyone and gravitate the youth towards the fields of science and space.
Set to premier on April 24, 2020 and hosted by employees of MBRSC, Majarat will be in Arabic with English subtitles. The main aim of the show is to help increase awareness of space-related topics, especially for the Arabic-speaking population and generat
MBRSC Announces Launch of New Space TV Series Majarat
Show will be broadcast on the social media accounts of MBRSC and cover a variety of space-related topics
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