Ramsey Naja is chief creative officer, JWT MEA
“I’m getting fond of technology these days. In fact, I’m not just getting fond of it; I’m giving it hugs and even being seen in its company. Believe me, this is quite a statement from someone who only needs to look at a computer screen for it to go on the blink and who still believes that Space Invaders will never be bettered as a game.
From something that was associated with the military, space exploration or Inspector Gadget, technology has become an all-pervasive presence in our lives and, more to the point, our industry. From über-nerds, technologists have become advertising’s rock stars, commanding the attention of legions of he
This feature, Ramsey, comes at a great time. I have been interviewing some senior creatives and agencies for my Middle East based ad blog (www.CopywriterJournalist.com) and see how even having a Twitter account is still a leap for most.
But as your conversion indicates, the times they are a changin’ – and the days of having digital as an afterthought are over.
Hoping more senior creatives realise that digital is not just another medium – it is another way of thinking. It isnot a monologue like a TV or radio ad but a conversation. And if we are the persuasive communicators we claim to be, now is the time to really shine!