
Private View by TBWA\RAAD’s Frederico Roberto

Frederico Roberto, Executive Creative Director, TBWA\RAAD

Campaign Middle East features a Private View section with a range of insights and viewpoints from industry experts, revealing the intricate world of marketing and advertising campaigns. 

McDonald’s, After-Dinner Dinner, Agency: FP7 McCann Dubai, Chief Creative Officer: Federico Fanti

It doesn’t really matter the sales ROI of this one (because frankly, there isn’t one), but the Return-on-Sentiment is surely a successful one. We’ve all done it – going for some late-night munchies at some fast-food place to fill that hole – which makes this a most human insight, so kudos to McDonald’s for doing something about it.

Anchor, Good Milk,Agency:Brand New Galaxy

Sleek art direction and I think I’ll now remember that Anchor has good milk. Which I guess is job well-done. But part of me thinks that the section in the middle (we could say it, but we’ll not, but we will…”) could have been used to say something more relevant.

SPHF, ClimateChangeTown.pkAgency: Impact BBDO

Some ideas – or executions in this case – are just there for the taking. How about changing a town’s name to a URL? If possible, why not go for it? I’m not undermining the logistical nightmare that must have been involved in navigating all the legalities, but simple ideas like this should just happen and move forward. Good stuff.

Close Up, Get Closer to Love, Agency: ‿ and us, Creative Director: Saymon Medeiros

Exaggerating a problem or an insight has always been a great way to demonstrate the product’s benefits and brand positioning. It’s not always easy to talk about love and dating in the Middle East, but this was done truthfully and tastefully (no pun intended).

Riyadh Season,Knockout Chaos, Agency: BigTime Creative Shop, Art Director: Gustavo Bilesimo

Big production, big storyline, big event, big idea. It’s all there. “Press Start for the Knock Out Chaos” is a knockout campaign in its own right. I just wish I could play that 8-bit game depicted. Ha!