
How can you be more sustainable at trade shows?

They can have a major environmental impact says Krohne's Jonathan Ashton

Image Credit: Jonathan Ashton

Trade shows are a great opportunity to connect with potential customers and partners, showcase your products or services, and generate leads. However, they can also have a major environmental impact.

The average trade show generates 100 tons of waste, consumes 10 million gallons of water, and emits 20,000 tons of carbon dioxide.

COP28 will be hosted in Dubai in November, and as businesses and individuals become more environmentally conscious, there is a growing demand for eco-friendly trade show exhibits.

By taking steps to reduce your environmental impact, you can show your customers and partners that you are committed to sustainability.

You can also save money on waste disposal, energy costs, and transportation, which was equally on my mind whilst branding on a budget.

Here are five easy ways to have an eco-friendly presence at a trade show:
1. Choose sustainable materials. When choosing materials for your trade show exhibit, look for options that are made from recycled or sustainable materials. For example, you can use bamboo flooring, reclaimed wood, or recycled plastic. Even better, try to reuse older materials – we will be using our 6 x 6 metre booth for three shows during a 13 month period, saving on money and material wastage.

2. Reduce waste. One of the biggest environmental impacts of trade shows is waste. To reduce waste, focus on reducing the amount of materials you use. For example, you can use reusable tablecloths and napkins, and you can recycle all of your paper and plastic waste. Much to my sales team’s chagrin, I encouraged them to share soft copies of our brochures and factsheets as this ensured we did not waste paper and also built stronger contacts with full details.

Jonathan Ashton, Head of Marketing and Communications at Khrone – Middle East & Africa

3. Conserve energy. Trade shows can also be a major energy drain. To conserve energy, choose energy-efficient lighting and appliances. You can also turn off lights and appliances when they are not in use.

4. Offset your emissions. Even if you take steps to reduce your environmental impact, there is still likely to be some emissions associated with your trade show presence. To offset these emissions, you can purchase carbon offsets. Carbon offsets are investments in projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Our branded giveaways were in conjunction with water.org, offsetting water wastage by reinvesting into conservation programmes.

5. Educate your audience. Trade shows are a great opportunity to educate your audience about your commitment to sustainability. You can do this by displaying signage about your sustainability efforts, or by giving presentations on sustainability topics.

By taking these steps, you can have an eco-friendly presence at your next trade show. This will show your customers and partners that you are committed to sustainability, and it will help you save money and reduce your environmental impact.

By Jonathan Ashton, Head of Marketing and Communications at Khrone – Middle East & Africa