
Gaming world walkthrough for Brands – by Socialize Gamez’s Peter Mazloumian

Peter Mazloumian, Head of Socialize Gamez writes a brand's cheat sheet to surviving the world of gaming

The proof is already in the pudding; the world of gaming is taking over social media marketing and the brands that get it right are already collecting the accolades and awards to prove it – a quick glance at what’s winning Cannes is more than enough to confirm this theory. 

Feeling late to the party? Well, you haven’t missed the boat just yet. The line between social media and social gaming has never been thinner. In fact, many brands are treating gaming as a fundamental platform in their channel mix, giving it the careful time and attention it truly needs and deserves in order to stand out in this space. That being said, we’ve barely scratched the surface of what this incredible v

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