
D&AD announces pencil winners

D&AD Awards have announced their winners of their coveted pencils.

This year, the region  has bagged a total of 16 pencils, 4 graphite and 12 wood pencils.

Winning agencies from the region include: FP7 McCann, Leo Burnett Dubai, Havas Middle East, ‿ and Us, Cheil Worldwide, VML Riyadh, and Impact BBDO.

While other winning agencies created campaigns for some of the region’s brands. These included General Entertainment Authority, Saudi Media Company and Kai Enzo.

Two of the four graphite pencils were awarded to Saudi Media Company and General Entertainment Authority spots, Battle of the Baddest and Rumble.

Impact BBDO won one for its Child Wedding Cards campaign for UN Women and FP7 McCann took one home for Babyshop’s Frequencies of Peace.

Rumble also picked up a wood pencil at the awards under the editing category.

Leo Burnett Dubai picked up the most number of pencils among all agencies. The agency gathered four pencils for campaigns, Unseen Tears, Zael, Self Check-Out and Maqroo.

Next in line, FP7 McCann won three pencils, two for Frequencies of Peace and one for Selfless Shelves.

Finally, Havas Middle East, ‿ and Us, Cheil Worldwide, VML Riyadh, Impact BBDO picked up one each.

VML Riyadh for Tip Time, ‿ and Us for One-Star Cookbook, Cheil Worldwide for Try Galaxy Fold Experience, Havas Middle East for The Female Field, and Impact BBDO for Child Wedding Cards.

On the regional client side, UAE-based restaurant Kai Enzo’s Gyotaku prints bagged design agency DutchScot a wood pencil for Illustration.