
Campaign’s Faces to Watch: Brand Edition 2024 – Selin Simo, Marketing Executive, Ali & Sons / Skoda division

Campaign’s Faces to Watch: Brand Edition 2024 – Selin SimoMarketing ExecutiveAli & Sons / Skoda division

Age: 29

Nominated by Feras HasinouBrand Manager – Line Manager, Ali & Sons / Skoda division:
Selin is exceptionally strong in planning marketing strategies that meet our goals and consistently ensures our campaigns achieve the desired results. She has successfully planned and executed numerous promotional events and activities For Skoda UAE. Selin’s great work spirit, level of dedication, and commitment bring pleasure and impactful marketing initiatives to our team.


Career highlights

Hey there! I’m Celine, a marketing executive at Skoda Ali & Sons Co. It’s an exciting journey to be part of this rapidly evolving industry, where I feel privileged to both learn and contribute. Collaborating closely with the team to customize campaigns brings me great joy, especially when we successfully achieve our goals. Plus, managing events to launch new car models and other activities while keeping brand consistency is always a blast! These experiences have not only boosted brand awareness but also deepened my understanding of the industry. Let’s keep the fun rolling!


Guiding principles

If plan A doesn’t work, the alphabet has 25 more letters!  Adaptability is needed to navigate challenges and find alternative solutions.

Side hustle

I’m constantly curious, and eager to explore new horizons through reading and travel, while also spending time sketching and sewing.


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