

Nominated by Louise Jacobson, managing partner, Brazen
“Jennifer is an accomplished, dedicated and passionate PR professional, but she is much more than that. Brazen is a small agency, meaning Jennifer has not only a challenging day job but she’s been instrumental in the rapid growth of Brazen. She does this with a positive attitude and is always there for her team. Without Jen there is no doubt in my mind this business wouldn’t be the success it is today. I am very excited about her future in PR and as a leader in our business.”

Career path
“My PR career began in London, and in 2015 I returned to the UAE, which is where I was born and raised. I’ve been both agency and in-house, and at Brazen I lead a strong team working on incredible brands such as Disney, The Galleria and Atlantis, The Palm. I’m vice-chair of PRCA NextGen and in 2018 I was awarded MEPRA’s Outstanding Young Communicator, and have been shortlisted for PRCA’s Rising Star twice. I’ve also been a core part of Brazen winning small consultancy of the year for both MEPRA and PRCA MENA in 2018 and 2019.”

Guiding principles
My principles are strategic, creative and efficient. When working up a campaign plan it’s paramount that you understand the client’s objectives and the target audience, so a strategic plan can be activated to generate the desired impact. I’m fortunate to have had a career working with incredible PRs, notably Louise Jacobson, managing partner of Brazen, as well as our amazing team who inspire me daily. No matter what role you are in, listen to your peers as you can always develop and learn from them.