
AI copy of anchor delivers news on Arabic channel

Asharq News, the multi-platform Arabic news service provider, has integrated AI-anchors speaking in multiple languages on air.


During the evening show ‘Colours of the East’, Asharq News introduced its inaugural AI generated look-alike of the programme anchor, ‘Hadil Eleyan,’ who presented the technology segment in multiple languages, including Russian, Spanish and Mandarin.


According to the company, Eleyan herself observed her AI copy and admired its precision and qualities.

The segment seems to have gained over million views on social media.

Nabeel Alkhatib, General Manager of Asharq News, emphasised the strategic significance of integrating AI into the newsrooms. Alkhatib highlighted that AI Anchors serve more than just novelties; they are instrumental in enhancing efficiency and creativity within the editorial processes.


Steven Cheak, Director of Creative Services at Asharq News, commented: “AI is meant to augment human productivity rather than replace it, the symbiotic relationship between artificial intelligence and human ingenuity is a cornerstone of Asharq News’ commitment to Innovation.”