
The human touch in music

WithFeeling’s Joe Dickinson discusses AI’s role in future compositions

The computer can’t tell you the emotional story. It can give you the exact mathematical design, but what’s missing is the eyebrows” Frank Zappa

In the world of music production, artificial intelligence (AI) brings a mixture of excitement and apprehension. While AI’s ability to quickly generate ‘music’ is impressive, it lacks a crucial element that human composers bring: genuine emotional connection.

AI tools can mimic technical sound structures, creating songs in mere seconds—what might take artists days or months to produce. So far so good, you might say.

However, AI currently lacks the ability to create music with the emotional resonance that comes from human experience. Despite technological advances, AI-generated music often feels hollow, missing the soul that defines truly transformative works. We know, humans respond to emotion in music. And without some kind of response, what’s the point?

The latest, much-derided ad for the iPad shows everything that enables humans to create – guitars, pianos, instruments – being crushed into non-existence, all the love and passion they’ve generated for centuries squashed into nothingness, leaving only a metal box behind. A metaphor for AI?


“I’m always thinking about creating. My future starts when I wake up every morning… Every day I find something creative to do with my life” Miles Davis

Lyrics, music, and the human experience

Music and lyrics are deeply rooted in the human experience, often drawing from personal life events that AI simply cannot comprehend.

Consider the depth of songs like “All You Need Is Love” The ‘love’ in such songs isn’t just a word; it’s a reflection of personal relationships and experiences. This personalisation makes music profoundly relatable and emotionally charged.

“I haven’t understood a bar of music in my life, but I have felt it” Igor Stravinsky AI, lacking real-life experiences and the complex emotions that come with them, struggles to create music that truly resonates on a personal level. It’s not just about replicating sound; it’s about conveying feelings and stories that listeners find meaning in.

Joe Dickinson, Chief Music Officer, WithFeeling



To mark the 50th anniversary of the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), we at WithFeeling crafted a special symphony that demonstrated the profound impact of human creativity. This 10-minute piece transcended borders and cultures, incorporating classical compositions with traditional instruments from all 57 member countries.

This celebration of unity and collaboration, reflecting the IsDB’s spirit of cooperation over the past five decades, showcased our expertise in crafting unique sonic identities that celebrated cultural diversity. This requires an understanding of cultural nuances and musical traditions – uniquely human skills currently beyond AI’s capabilities.

This project demonstrates why WithFeeling remains at the forefront of the industry; AI could not replicate the emotional depth and cultural understanding required.

Image Credit: Unsplash


AI is a tool to enhance human creativity, not a replacement. It can assist with sound design, pattern generation, and even some elements of composition. However, the final touches that make music truly resonate – Zappa’s ‘eyebrows’ – should be distinctly human.

By using AI as a collaborative tool, we can expand our creative possibilities without sacrificing the emotional depth that makes music powerful.


As we navigate the future of music production, balancing technological innovation with the preservation of essential human elements will be key. AI will undoubtedly play a role, but it must not overshadow the irreplaceable value of human creativity.

Music, at its core, is an expression of the human experience – an art form that should remain deeply personal and profoundly human.

Reflecting on music’s future

The true beauty of music lies in its ability to connect us through genuine, human-crafted emotions. At WithFeeling, we remain committed to preserving this human touch; each piece of music we create not only sounds beautiful but also touches hearts and celebrates humanity.

By Joe Dickinson, Chief Music Officer, WithFeeling