
How to navigate the advertising sector’s talent landscape

Serviceplan Arabia's Rami Hmadeh gives his strategies for success for the Middle East

In the dynamic realm of advertising in the Middle East, where cultural intricacies blend with cutting-edge campaigns, the challenge of finding and retaining top talent resembles a strategic game of chess.

Insights from Serviceplan Group’s recent “CMO Barometer” survey highlight a critical concern among regional CMOs: the relentless pursuit of talent.

As the advertising sector flourishes, attracting skilled professionals has become increasingly demanding, presenting unique challenges inherent to the region.

 Understanding the Talent Landscape

At the core of talent acquisition lies the imperative to understand what motivates potential employees. Beyond evaluating skills, we delve into cultural fit and shared values. Prospective talents are not just looking for a job; they seek careers where they can align their personal growth with corporate goals.

This nuanced approach to recruitment ensures we connect on a deeper level, attracting candidates who resonate with our ethos.

Building Bridges with Educational Institutions

Investing in the future starts with cultivating relationships with educational bodies. Serviceplan’s partnership with the University of Business and Technology in Jeddah exemplifies this approach. Through the COOP program, we offer internships every semester, turning academic achievements into professional opportunities.

Additionally, my recent appointment to their advisory board is a step towards creating a robust bridge between academia and the advertising industry, guiding young talents into their future careers.

Elevating Employer Branding

In today’s digital era, where communication channels evolve rapidly, employer branding is crucial. Our campaigns across platforms like gaming and social media not only showcase our vibrant organisational culture but also attract top talent by presenting our company as a career destination.

This ongoing narrative extends throughout the employee journey, enhancing our appeal and retention.

Global Integration and Employee Experience

Serviceplan Group embraces a global perspective by hosting an annual meetup, allowing employees worldwide to share experiences and foster connections.

This initiative, along with regular, anonymous colleague satisfaction surveys, helps us continually refine our environment, making it a place where professionals not only start but grow their careers.

The Two-Pronged Approach: Attraction and Retention

Attracting talent is just the beginning; retention is where the long-term success lies. We engage employees with compelling narratives and support their growth through varied opportunities.

This dual approach ensures our team not only joins but stays, contributing to a culture of loyalty and innovation.

Navigating the talent landscape in the Middle East’s advertising sector demands adaptability, foresight, and a profound understanding of cultural nuances.

By actively listening to the aspirations of prospective talent, fostering educational partnerships, and crafting compelling employer branding, we lay the groundwork for a thriving ecosystem where innovation flourishes.

In this vibrant landscape, success is not merely measured by recruitment numbers but by the lasting impact of a workforce empowered to shape the future of advertising in the Middle East.

By Rami Hmadeh, CEO at Serviceplan Arabia