
From a good to great workplace

What makes a business or an institution a great place to work? This question is at the heart of every modern organisation.

Companies and corporations are increasingly looking at ways and means to create a culture of innovation, excellence and resilience while nurturing a high trust, high performing workplace where employees thrive in a supportive environment.

Happy customer experience

This kind of culture will only flourish if employees can trust the people and business they work for, take pride in what they accomplish and enjoy the colleagues they work with.

After all, being happy and satisfied at work isn’t just about how an employee feels during a typical workday, but where work has a special meaning. When it is not “just a job”.

For employers, this translates into creating a rewarding and nurturing workplace where people can contribute at the highest levels, embrace new challenges, and be willing to adapt as industries and technologies change.

A happy employee truly translates into a happy customer experience – and that’s always been the guiding principle for us at Dubizzle Group.

That’s why we are delighted to have been ranked #21 in Best Workplaces in UAE™ 2024 in the Large Organisations – UAE segment by Great Place To Work® Middle East, thanks to our guiding principles aligning closely with the Trust Index and the Culture Audit that evaluate global companies for this prestigious ranking.

The most pivotal element of building a great workplace is fostering trust between employees and management. Your organisation needs to be a place where leaders are credible, where colleagues show respect and foster a sense of camaraderie with their teams.

The fact that we put in the effort built this framework and create this environment resulted in the positive feedback for the GPTW survey, which evaluates three key relationships at every workplace – management, employees, and the job – across the five dimensions of credibility, respect, fairness, pride, and camaraderie, based on which they arrive at the final ranking.

Some of the responses included truly satisfying perspectives from employees: “I can be myself around here”, “I feel good about the ways we contribute to the community”, “I feel I make a difference here”, and “I want to work here for a long time”.

So, what are the implications for businesses when employees feel this way?

Organisational culture

According to GPTW, a strong organisational culture not only cultivates a positive work environment, but also acts as a magnet for top tier talent. When employees feel empowered and attached, they become more committed and motivated to do their best.

Of course none of this can succeed without a strong set of company values in action – these are not just what’s written as a mission statement on the website, but what employees actually see their leaders as doing.

This means that management must deliver on its promises. It must genuinely seek, listen and respond to suggestions and ideas, communicate its vision and roadmap of how to get there across the value chain, allow some latitude for honest mistakes as part of doing business, and trust its people to do a good job without watching over their shoulders.

Obviously, a company’s management must fulfil its basic mandate to enable employees to be in a position to contribute positively.

These include showing a sincere interest in employees as people, and not just an organisational asset, rewarding exceptional work and extra effort, avoiding playing favourites, and above all being honest and ethical in business practices.


That’s why one of the core evaluation metrics of GPTW is about maximising human potential – ensuring it’s a great workplace for everyone, regardless of who they are or what they do in the company.

We are keenly aware of the importance of being inclusive and are proud to have identified some talented people of determination whose unique perspectives have added to the strength and diversity of our organisation.

In this age of constant evolution of businesses, it is critical that management actions are driven top-down and bottom-up, backed by a proven change management approach.

It is when all these parameters are in sync and working in perfect harmony, that a company becomes a thriving hotbed of innovation, where everyone’s intelligence, skills and passion generate more high-quality ideas, greater implementation speed, and stronger organisational agility.

That is the ultimate secret to any Great Places to Work, driving enduring business success and achieving remarkable outcomes.

By Suzanne Gandy, HR Director of Dubizzle Group