
Campaign’s Digital to Watch 2023 – Kareem Salhab, Programmatic Manager, Xaxis – Group M

Campaign’s Digital to Watch 2023 – Kareem Salhab, Programmatic Manager, Xaxis – Group M

Age: 29

Nominated by Clare Fearon, Head of Programmatic and Xaxis:
I highly recommend Kareem for his exceptional contribution to our programmatic business, particularly in KSA. His technical knowledge and expertise have been invaluable in growing our business and achieving our client’s goals. Not only does he bring a wealth of knowledge and skills to the table, but his positive attitude and strong work ethic have also had a significant impact on our team culture. Kareem is a pleasure to work with, always willing to go above and beyond to ensure the success of our projects. I have no doubt that he has a bright career ahead of him.

Career highlights

I’ve been in the digital media world for almost 5 years now. I’ve had the pleasure of working across a plethora of clients and verticals which has really proved fruitful in expanding my programmatic knowledge base. Joining Xaxis in late 2021 was a great jump in my career tackling a whole new responsibility of KSA & NA which meant being taking the reins to several mega clients such as the PIF, Ministry of Culture, Red Sea Development, RCRC, MDLBeast, to name a few. Leading on these clients has allowed me to reach whole a whole new level in terms of client management, strategy, planning, and technology.

I adopt a “sink or swim” attitude. If you’re catching that imposter “I’m not good enough” syndrome wearing you down, kick it out the window and prove yourself wrong.

Guiding principles

“Do not be sorry, be better.” – Kratos

Side hustle

Hiking, Backpacking, Mountaineering, Hardcore events that really tend to test the limits of your body. Sometimes in life you have to treat it like a summit push: Everything inside you is telling you not to, but when your mind is set to it, you do not stop until it is done.

Go back to main article: Campaign’s Digital Faces to Watch 2023