
Campaign’s Digital to Watch 2023 – Elmuhaib AbuBaker, SEO Strategist, Acquisit

Campaign’s Digital to Watch 2023 – Elmuhaib AbuBaker, SEO Strategist, Acquisit

Age: 26

Nominated by Timothée Desormeaux, Co Founder & Managing partner:
Muhaib’s quantitative background as an engineer and his passion for everything digital enabled him to grow very quickly in the organization and take the lead on our SEO operations across the MENA region. His previous experience as a digital performance analyst provides him with a holistic view of company challenges. His constant willingness to explore new territories and go beyond, his deep knowledge of the local market, and his ability to adapt to clients from different backgrounds make him an extremely valuable team player for any agency or client willing to take his SEO game to the next level.

Career highlights

Two years ago, I embarked on a digital marketing journey, bringing with me a knack for engineering and a passion for problem-solving. I quickly found my niche in the world of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and since then, I’ve worked with a wide range of websites, from small to big, e-commerce to editorial. For the past two years, I’ve been lucky enough to work with the Rockstar team at Acquisit, and I’ve set my sights on one big goal – taking our SEO department to the very top in the MENA region

Guiding principles

At my workplace, I value teamwork, responsibility, and great leadership. I believe that by working together and taking ownership of our individual roles, we can achieve our collective goals and drive success for our team. By embodying these values, we create a culture of mutual respect, collaboration, and growth.

Go back to main article: Campaign’s Digital Faces to Watch 2023