
Campaign’s Digital to Watch 2023 – Ana Gixhari, Influencer marketing manager, Starfish Agency / Hashtag

Campaign’s Digital to Watch 2023 – Ana Gixhari, Influencer marketing manager, Starfish Agency / Hashtag

Age: 29

Nominated by Amer Massimi, CEO:
Influencer marketing is one of the most complex marketing functions, it requires solid relationships with influencers, client’s trust, strategic thinking and project management skills. Ana scored on all of the above through her time at Starfish, her dedication and attention to detail is fascinating. She managed on her own to manage multiple influencers campaigns while achieving total satisfaction from all parties involved.

An influencer herself, Ana has impacted our offering and relationships with influencers in a positive way. Her approach is human centric, which is a core idea for a successful influencers campaign.

We want to celebrate Ana and recognize her efforts. She is one of the dominant faces in this industry and we are hopeful you see her profile fitting the Faces to watch edition

Career highlights

I am a highly qualified marketing and sales professional with over nine years of experience in the field.I have an extensive background in marketing, influencer marketing, digital marketing, and sales, having worked with leading companies such as Etisalat, Meraas, ArabyAds, and more.

In addition to my experience in marketing and sales, I also have a background in bank management. I studied at one of the most prestigious universities in Albania while working as a bank manager at BKT “national commercial bank”. My diverse professional background has equipped me with a unique perspective and a broad range of skills that make me an asset in any organization.

I am  also passionate about learning new languages and has become proficient in four different languages: Albanian, English, Italian, and Spanish. My language skills and cultural awareness have enabled me to work effectively with clients and colleagues from diverse backgrounds, and have given her a competitive edge in the global marketplace.

Overall, my combination of experience in marketing and sales, as well as my language skills and cultural awareness, make me a well-rounded professional who is capable of thriving in any professional environment.

Guiding principles

As an experienced marketing and sales professional, my guiding principles include a commitment to excellence, a passion for innovation, a focus on building strong relationships, and a dedication to continuous learning and improvement. These principles serve as the foundation for my approach to work and life.

Side hustle

As an influencer marketing manager, i have a unique advantage in the world of influencer marketing, and i have chosen to use that advantage to establish myself as an influencer in my own right. My side hustle as an influencer allows me to build my personal brand, connect with like-minded individuals, and explore new opportunities.

My work as an influencer has likely been focused on a specific niche or area of interest, and I have collaborated with a range of brands to promote their products or services to my audience. My experience as both an influencer and a marketing professional gives me a unique perspective and a competitive edge in the industry, as i am able to understand both sides of the influencer marketing equation.

By pursuing my side hustle as an influencer, i am able to diversify my income streams, grow my personal brand, and expand my professional network. My passion for influencer marketing and my dedication to building my personal brand make me a valuable asset in the industry, and will help me to achieve your long-term goals as a marketing professional.

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