
Beneath the surface: Fixing the foundations of DE&I at work

Havas Media's Houda Tohme says that to achieve DE&I "we must tackle systemic barriers faced not only by women, but also by people from different nationalities, individuals with varying abilities, and the disabled community".

Houda Tohme, CEO, Havas Media Network shares her take on moving the DE&I needle in the advertising industry.

While there’s increasing focus on diversity, equality, and inclusion — DE&I — across the Middle East, we’re still only scratching the surface of the deeper work culture challenges faced by today’s professionals.

To create a truly inclusive advertising industry, we must tackle systemic barriers faced not only by women, but also by people from different nationalities, individuals with varying abilities, and the disabled community.

Key issues such as women’s career gaps, ageism, socioeconomic bi

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