
Bang & Olufsen and Ferrari explain what makes an ideal brand collaboration

But creating a product that feels instantly associated with both participating parties can be a hard task

Bang & Olufsen and Ferrari’s recent collaboration saw them lean into their brand signatures to create something iconic.

Excellence in aluminium craftmanship for Bang & Olufsen. The striking shade of red, world-renowned for being linked with Ferrari.

“The key to a successful collaboration, undeniably, is to create a product that feels instantly associated, in equal measure, with both participating parties,” said Senior Vice President of Business Development at Bang & Olufsen, Christoffer Poulsen.

“That can often be a hard task, but in this instance, when both brands are known for such strong visual identities as Bang & Olufsen and Ferrari do, makes the process seamless.”

Aluminium has been championed by Bang & Olufsen for nearly 70 years, with its engineers intrigued by the possibilities of aluminium, a material that is strong, flexible, flat and resistant to corrosion.

The slick, mirror-like aluminium surfaces have become an integral and ubiquitous part of the Bang & Olufsen design aesthetic, most notably in the loudspeaker category.

This aluminium craftsmanship continues into The Ferrari Collection, as the two brands explore the intersection of function and beauty, drawing similarities with the approach to designing a supercar.

Signature red

Enzo Ferrari is reputed to have said: “Ask a child to draw a car, and certainly he will draw it red.” When he founded Ferrari in 1947, red was associated with the Italian nationality among fans of international motorcar racing, leading Enzo Ferrari to keep this colour as a signature for his cars.

Red is still synonymous with Ferrari in the supercar and motorsport world and was the instant choice when collaborating with Bang & Olufsen to design the collection.

“With two iconic legacies in play, every step in the design process demanded careful consideration” added  Poulsen.