
The courage to grow, by Kantar’s J. Walker Smith

The foundational prerequisite of growth is the courage to grow. Impediments to growth sit within a company itself. Growth is rarely hostage to the marketplace, writes, J. Walker Smith, knowledge lead, consulting division, Kantar.

The topline stagnation among global consumer goods companies in the years leading up to the pandemic was paralleled by rapid growth among startups and more agile local and national brands. Many iconic businesses have been introduced during past recessions. Even in sectors hardest hit during the pandemic, brands that pivoted to delivery, e-commerce, privacy safeguards, home-centred solutions, hygiene signalling and virtual experiences were able to grow.  

 The first place to look for growth is not externally but internally: at the structure, skills and competencies it takes to grow. Kantar’s decades of work with companies worldwide points to five critical imperatives.  

1 Focus on doing the right things rather than waiting for the marketplace to right itself

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