
Why startups should embrace PR? Spoiler: It’s not just about sales

"Securing funding marks just the beginning of a startup's journey. PR is essential in establishing industry expertise and maintaining a brand reputation," says Vlada Lomova, PR Lead at PRHub, a Dubai-based PR agency.

Vlada Lomova, PR Lead at PRHub, a Dubai-based PR agency on why startups should embrace PR?

In the fast-paced world of startups, particularly in the MENA region, companies are beginning to recognise that their brand narrative can be as powerful as their product offerings. Over 50 per cent of millennial consumers are likelier to buy from companies if their CEO speaks out. This trend underscores that a compelling brand story can influence consumer behaviour and drive business growth when communicated effectively through PR.

However, PR’s value extends far beyond generating direct sales. At its core, PR is a powerful instrum

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