Fifteen years ago, Avinash Kaushik from Google recommended a 10/90 rule for analytics budgets. For every $10 that you put into analytics tools, you should spend $90 on good analysts to digest the data and provide insights.
This idea always stuck with me. Any analyst would prefer to remain agnostic when it comes to platforms, instead of focusing on trying to frame the problem first before selecting the right platform for the task. Platform selection might be as important as the problem itself, since understanding the pros and cons of each platform (no platform is perfect) can help the brand decide if its needs will be met or not.
Fast-forward to 2021, and marketers are experiencing a prolif
Cracking the code, by Wunderman Thompson’s Adil Khan
Wunderman Thompson’s analytics lead, Adil Khan describes the merits of opening up to open-source marketing science.
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