
Campaign’s Faces to Watch: Brand Edition 2024 – Thalia Shaneika Salonga, MENA PR Lead, Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetics

Campaign’s Faces to Watch: Brand Edition 2024 – Thalia Shaneika SalongaMENA PR LeadLush Fresh Handmade Cosmetics

Age: 28

Nominated by Miche WhitehouseRegional Brand and Digital Manager, Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetics:
I’m excited to nominate Thalia, our new but already incredible PR lead at Lush Middle East, for Campaign’s Brand Faces to Watch. Thalia hit the ground running from day one, bringing fresh ideas and PR insights we didn’t know we needed. She’s quickly become vital to our team, crafting story angles that resonate perfectly with our audience, staying ahead of trends and working with our wider brand team to enhance our PR efforts.


Career highlights

With over seven years of experience in the MENA region, Thalia specializes in media and influencer relations and campaign management, ensuring brands are not only seen but also heard by the right people. Over the years, Thalia’s varied portfolio includes over 50 corporate and consumer brands within hospitality, lifestyle, and FMCG industries. Previous clients include Atrangi by Ritu Dalmia, Reebok, Deutsche Hospitality, Peroni Nastro Azzurro, and luxe property collection, Resplendent Ceylon. Today, Thalia is the PR Lead at Lush Middle East, aiming to leave the world lusher than we found it.


Guiding principles

I always say that life is not linear and that whatever is meant for you will come to you. Take on the twists and turns, understand that each path you take contributes to your personal growth and be kind along the way.

Side hustle

I don’t really have a ‘side hustle’, but I’ve restarted my wellness journey in the last year, so taking care of my body and mental health daily definitely keeps me busy!


Go back to main article: Campaign’s Faces to Watch: Brand Edition 2024

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