
Campaign’s Faces to Watch: Brand Edition 2024 – Sandra Hany, Media & Advocacy Manager, Professional Products Division, L’Oreal Egypt, L’Oreal Egypt

Campaign’s Faces to Watch: Brand Edition 2024 – Sandra HanyMedia & Advocacy Manager, Professional Products Division, L’Oreal EgyptL’Oreal Egypt

Age: 26

Nominated by Salma GoharyMedia Director – Client, Essence Mediacom:
Sandra is truly a standout employee who embodies the values and mission of her organization. In her role as a Media Manager, Sandra consistently demonstrates a passion for her work that is truly inspiring. Her unwavering commitment to excellence combined with her collaborative spirit make her an absolute joy to work with. It is with the utmost enthusiasm that I recommend Sandra for this recognition.


Career highlights

I’m Sandra, a digital marketer with 6+ years of experience. I’ve played a key role in impactful campaigns across brands within eventing, food, and beauty sectors. My journey features roles where I’ve honed skills in creative design, media, advocacy, brand management, and customer engagement. Beyond work, I indulge in exploring new cuisines, sports, diving, and music.


Guiding principles

Dare to be different, outshine your best self. Stay humble, spread kindness, embrace compassion.

Side hustle

Foodie who cooks but doesn’t share. Art enthusiast into graphic design, painting, photography. Sports fanatic: ex-pro swimmer, tennis player, dodgeball champ.


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