
Campaign’s Faces to Watch: Brand Edition 2024 – Rasha Kambal, Social Media Manager, SeaWorld Yas Island, Abu Dhabi

Campaign’s Faces to Watch: Brand Edition 2024 – Rasha KambalSocial Media ManagerSeaWorld Yas Island, Abu Dhabi

Age: 28

Nominated by Rebecca CampbellSocial Media Director – Rasha reports directly to me, Miral Destinations:


Career highlights

Rasha joined the social media department at Miral Destinations, where she manages the social media presence for SeaWorld Yas Island, Abu Dhabi. Since the theme park’s opening in 2023, Rasha has independently led the development and execution of the social media content strategy for both the theme park and its research and rescue center.


Guiding principles

Everything Rasha does, she ensures there is a reasoning / purpose of it. Whether it’s something personal or work related, she tries to understand the reasoning and have a clear road map to the desired outcome.

Side hustle

Outside of work, Rasha studies the Quran and hopes to become a teacher of it some day.


Go back to main article: Campaign’s Faces to Watch: Brand Edition 2024



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