
Campaign’s Faces to Watch: Brand Edition 2024 – Muskan Tuli, Assistant Marketing Manager, Mister Baker

Campaign’s Faces to Watch: Brand Edition 2024 – Muskan TuliAssistant Marketing ManagerMister Baker

Age: 25

Nominated by Vinita HiraniChief Hustler/ Founder, Tickbox:
I am writing to highly recommend Muskan Tuli who  is an exceptional marketing, social media, and PR professional who brings a wealth of expertise and creativity to every project she undertakes. Her ability to deliver personalized, tailored solutions sets her apart, and I have no doubt that she will continue to excel in her career. She demonstrates a keen understanding of market trends and consumer behavior, allowing her to craft innovative and effective strategies that drive results. She consistently demonstrates a strong work ethic and a drive for excellence that is truly commendable.


Career highlights

Raised in the UAE, I am a passionate marketing enthusiast who believes that marketing is the strongest pillar of any business, capable of making or breaking a brand. My dedication and the support from my mentors have propelled me to lead group marketing for Mister Baker across the UAE and India, overseeing five brands at just 24 years old. Some highlights of my achievements include earning a golden visa as a distinction student, starting my career as a Management Trainee selected from 160 candidates, becoming the youngest RJ in the UAE, and delivering numerous successful campaigns.


Guiding principles

As a marketer, my objective is to create meaningful and authentic connections between brands and their audiences. In a world saturated with advertisements and content,  understanding and addressing the genuine needs and desires of consumers outperforms. Should be attractive to prove a need.

Side hustle

My passion for public speaking and connecting with new people led me to become an RJ/Emcee, my first side hustle. Additionally, my love for marketing and events brought me to Tickbox, a dynamic family where we cater to brands looking to enhance their PR and marketing game.


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