
Campaign’s Faces to Watch: Brand Edition 2024 – Maria Elamiri, Consumer Experience Manager, Nova Water

Campaign’s Faces to Watch: Brand Edition 2024 – Maria ElamiriConsumer Experience ManagerNova Water

Age: 30

Nominated by Mahmoud GawadMarketing Senior Director, Nova Water:
Maria is an invaluable asset to our team, consistently demonstrating her dedication to excellence and creativity. As a highly skilled professional, she strives to exceed expectations in tasks she undertakes.


One of Maria’s most notable achievements was her role in successfully bringing to life the first-ever bottle made of 100% recycled bottles in KSA for Nova Water.


Maria’s diverse background has also been an asset. She approaches challenges with a keen intellect and a willingness to explore new ideas, constantly seeking ways to improve processes and drive innovation.


Career highlights

Maria’s marketing journey began with a spark of passion. She started in advertising with MullenLowe Riyadh and WT Riyadh (now VML), handling diverse, award-winning brands. At Nova Water, as a Consumer Experience Manager, Maria led the launch of Nova’s rPET bottle, the first in the KSA market made of 100% recycled bottles. She also drove excellence in the DTC business, achieving high consumer satisfaction and media success that boosted app installs. Born in Canada to Syrian parents and raised in KSA, Maria blends cultural insights. With a BA in Mass Communication – Advertising.


Guiding principles

Maria’s guiding principle is to always put the consumer first. By deeply understanding their needs and perspectives, she strives to create meaningful and impactful marketing experiences. She believes that empathy, creativity, and continuous learning are key to driving success in the industry.

Side hustle

In her spare time, Maria enjoys photography, capturing compelling moments. She is passionate about building relationships and socializing, often attending events and art exhibitions. These activities enable her to gain new perspectives, and continuously enhance her personal and professional skills.


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