
Campaign’s Faces to Watch: Brand Edition 2024 – Ghaya AlBannay, Social Media Assistant Manager, UAE Government Media Office

Campaign’s Faces to Watch: Brand Edition 2024 – Ghaya AlBannaySocial Media Assistant ManagerUAE Government Media Office

Age: 28

Nominated by Khaled ALShehhiExecutive Director Marketing and Communications, Line Manager, UAE Government Media Office:
I enthusiastically nominate Ghaya for Campaign’s Faces to Watch 2024. A standout in digital and social media management, she consistently goes beyond expectations. Ghaya possesses a rare ability to unearth deep insights and grasp creative concepts, setting her apart in our industry. She is not just reliable but a critical thinker whose dedication and passion significantly elevate our projects. Ghaya is a young talent who not only promises but delivers exceptional results.


Career highlights

A dynamic Emirati social media assistant manager with five years at the UAE Government Media Office, I’ve spearheaded transformative campaigns that have reached millions globally. Expert in creating engaging advertising content and leading high-impact influencer collaborations. I proudly managed the Arab Hope Makers initiative, recognizing unsung heroes across the Arab world. This significant project culminated in a major event attended by over 10,000 people in Coca-Cola Arena.


Guiding principles

In all endeavors, pursue your goals with passion and integrity. Ethical practices in marketing, honesty, transparency, fairness, and respect are crucial. Stay informed and committed to authenticity and accuracy to build trust, enhance brand reputation, and ensure success in the digital community.

Side hustle

I provide pro bono social media consulting to NGOs, enhancing their online presence and campaign effectiveness. This enriches my skills while contributing positively to impactful causes.


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