
Campaign’s Faces to Watch: Brand Edition 2024 – Nadine Abdelaal, Group Brand Manager, L’Oréal Paris for Hair Care & Hair Color, L’Oréal

Campaign’s Faces to Watch: Brand Edition 2024 – Nadine AbdelaalGroup Brand Manager, L’Oréal Paris for Hair Care & Hair ColorL’Oréal

Age: 27

Nominated by Salma ElkarabigyStrategy & Business Unit Director, Client, Essencemediacom:
Nadine is an inspiring leader who excels in challenging the status quo to deliver outstanding results. She is always open to new ideas, fostering a mindset of innovation and creativity. Her strategic vision, empathetic leadership, and unwavering commitment to excellence make her a pleasure to work with. Her dedication and inspiring presence truly set her apart!


Career highlights

I started my career at L’Oréal as a management trainee, and soon found myself entrusted with some of the company’s biggest and most iconic brands, and so was determined to take them to new heights through solid consumer-centric marketing strategies supported by execution excellence.  Together with my team, we were able to propel these brands to market leadership positions, spearheading full category upgrades that transformed the competitive landscape. One achievement I’m particularly proud of is bringing home an Effie Award for a creative campaign for one of our hero skincare products.


Guiding principles

Curiosity and Life-long learning:Approach the world around you with open eyes, open mind, open heart and a deep hunger for knowledge.

People come first:When it comes down to it, I truly believe that the real magic happens through the connections we cultivate that are built on empathy & trust.

Side hustle

I am a total adventure-seeker at heart, nothing excites me more than booking this next trip, specially if it involves immersing myself in experiences that push the boundaries of my comfort zone!


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