
Campaign’s Faces to Watch: Brand Edition 2024 – Elaf Elzeity, Social Media Manager, Gold Apple

Campaign’s Faces to Watch: Brand Edition 2024 – Elaf ElzeitySocial Media ManagerGold Apple

Age: 29

Nominated by Medina IsmailovaHead of Marketing, Gold Apple:
Elaf recently joined our team, demonstrating consistent dedication and enthusiasm. With a robust background in retail marketing, she adeptly navigates the region’s landscape. Elaf successfully headed the launch and growth of Gold Apple’s social media platforms, leveraging her insightful understanding of the local market. Fearless in the face of challenges, she exhibits exemplary leadership qualities.


Career highlights

Hey there, I’m Elaf Elzeity, and let me take you on a journey through my career evolution. Starting fresh after graduation, I dipped my toes into the dynamic world of esports social media marketing and sports retail marketing. It was when I found my footing in beauty retail that everything clicked, a place where my love for creativity and beauty converge. Here, the blend of beauty and creativity can flourish one’s ideas into captivating campaigns. I’m beyond thrilled for the journey ahead, eager to leave my mark on the beauty industry.


Guiding principles

A guiding principle I always stand by is to be true to and trust yourself!

Side hustle

My side hustle is transforming spaces to match my mood and style. Whether through rearrangements, DIY projects, or finding the perfect accents, I love making any space feel uniquely mine. It’s amazing how even small tweaks can completely change a how you feel about your space.


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