
Why community building should be at the heart of marketing strategies

Property Finder's CMO Sevgi Gur spoke to Shantelle Nagarajan at Campaign Middle East on how her team develops their marketing strategy.

Michael Lahyani, Founder and CEO, Property Finder, speaks at the PF Connect in May

A couple of months ago, Property Finder launched a new white paper titled Opening Doors, as part of their marketing strategy. The launch was coupled with the inauguration of a digital learning platform called the PF Academy.

The academy has been designed with the aim of enhancing the quality of real estate professionals in the UAE. The free-to-use learning tool includes modules that are designed to train new entrants across agents, administrative personnel, decision-makers, and advisors.

Sevgi Gur, Chief Marketing Officer, Property Finder

Sevgi Gur, Property Finder’s Chief Marketing Officer, said, “Everything we do is with the consumer in mind.”

“We make decisions based on what the consumer wants and not on what we want to do.

In preparation of launching the PF Academy, the team spent three months collecting billions of data points from Google search trends and consumer behaviour on their platform from more than 40 million user sessions.

The organization told Campaign Middle East that the academy and white paper have been developed with the goal of increasing trust and transparency for potential home buyers in the UAE.

“We want our users to move into their new homes with the peace of mind that they made the right decision.”

To know if Property Finder’s efforts are genuinely valuable to real estate professionals in the country, Campaign Middle East went straight to the source.

Jennifer Johns, Listing Administrator, D&B Properties

“The academy offers extensive courses aimed at equipping agents to excel and achieve optimal results through informative and detailed learning modules,” said Jennifer Johns, Listing Administrator at D&B Properties.

“As someone who uses PF Expert daily in my role, the PF Academy has become an invaluable tool in my professional journey,” said Johns.

Bradly Arnold, Client Relations Officer at Royal Properties, Abu Dhabi, said, “The academy helps to create a more professional standard for buyers by simplifying the user experience of the Property Finder portal.”

Bradly Arnold, Client Relations and Sales Officer, Royal Properties

Arnold also said that he finds great value in the free training, as he believes learning never stops in a professional’s life.

“The academy boosts the quality of the standard of real estate in the UAE by creating a seamless experience, which in turn leads to more effective closings,” he added.

Ruthik Pillai, Senior Business Analyst and Sales Manager

Over his career in the industry, Ruthik Pillai a senior business analyst and sales manager at a prominent property developer firm in the UAE, said he has noticed a gap for universal training for real estate portals.

“There are a lot of new agencies that lack training in the UAE,” he said.

“This tool will definitely help struggling agents brush up on their knowledge of the industry and gain new insights on market trends while enhancing their personal qualifications as agents.”