Sara Taher is communications manager at iProduction in Abu Dhabi
“Creating powerful concepts and moving presentations is no easy feat. I have spent many late nights with my team mates, powering through event themes, catchy slogans and riveting marketing tools. Every pitch we present carries with it a little piece of our souls. As we eagerly (and very patiently) await confirmation from the prospective client, our hopes and dreams are crumpled when we finally discover our hard work has been actualised, without our consent.
Nobody appreciates having their ideas stolen, a definite no-no in the world of business ethics. Yet the reality is that once those precious insights you’ve created are out
A very pertinent article. Sara, one of the easiest – and cheapest – way to protect pitch materials is simply to send them to yourself by recommended post or courier, and keep the envelope sealed. in case of infringement, all you have to do is produce it in court, and you’d make the judge’s job a lot easier. It is not as watertight as registering work for copyright but it does the trick when it comes to pitches.
That’s great advice Ramsey, thank you.