
Cannes viewpoint: A new era for marketing coming?

The blending of creativity, technology, and human ingenuity is exciting says Braze's Spencer Burke

As we hit the midpoint of the Cannes Lions this year, attendees are finding their groove amidst the various panels, parties, and premieres.

Themes I’ve seen emerging from discussions with CMOs and other marketing leaders highlight the importance of adaptability and curiosity.

This year, there’s a strong focus on exploring new technologies, with the obvious one being artificial intelligence. The message from marketing leaders is clear: being adaptable isn’t just a nice-to-have; it’s essential in today’s fast-changing market.

Meetings with Braze tech partners like AWS and Snowflake have highlighted an interesting trend. Many marketers feel they’re just starting to catch the AI wave.

While there’s some concern about falling behind, the excitement about how AI can enhance creativity and improve data use is undeniable. AI isn’t just about staying current; it’s about pushing the limits of what’s possible in marketing.

From looking around, Spotify has done an incredible job leaning into its brand. Their Cannes presence has, not surprisingly, been marked by high-profile artist bookings and some of the most sought-after evening events of the festival.

Tech meets creativity

As the festival continues, it’s clear that the future of marketing lies at the intersection of technology and creativity. The leaders here aren’t just observing trends; they’re actively shaping them.

The message is clear: embrace change, stay curious, and leverage new technologies to stay ahead in the ever-evolving marketing landscape.

At Cannes 2024, the blending of creativity, technology, and human ingenuity is paving the way for a new era in marketing. While the weather may be unpredictable, the direction for marketers is clear—innovate, adapt, and let curiosity lead the way.

By Spencer Burke, SVP of Growth at Braze