

Publicis Communications KSA

  • Type of agency

    Saudi agency


Publicis Communications is the creative hub of Publicis Groupe, bringing together Leo Burnett, Publicis Middle East, Saatchi & Saatchi and MSL in the region.  

Leo Burnett was built on a simple belief that the most creative, most effective, and most powerful work has people at its core – their needs, wants, dreams, and hopes.

Publicis Middle East shares a common ambition: to help clients and their brands to be and to remain the leaders they want to be, to “Lead the Change”. 

Saatchi & Saatchi is a full-service, integrated communications network. They are in the business of getting people to fall in love with their client’s products and services. 

MSL is Publicis Groupe’s strategic communication and engagement company. They champion clients’ interests through fearless and insightful campaigns that engage multiple perspectives and holistic thinking to build influence and deliver impact.

Awards won: Cannes Lions (first ever Lion to be won for Saudi Arabia), MENA Effies, Dubai Lynx, WARC, Loeries, Cresta, NYF, AME, London International Awards, Jay Chiat, Art Director’s Club, AdFest, Clio, Gerety, One Show, MMA Smarties

Leadership Panel

Bassel Kakish

Group CEO, Publicis Groupe ME&T

Adel Baraja

CEO Publicis Communications KSA

Ahmed Younis (Fizo)

Chief Creative Officer, Publicis Communications KSA

Key Clients

Procter & GambleNestleAramcoFerreroGeneral MotorsGoodyIthraMcDonald’s GCC & KSARoyal Commission for Al-UlaPepsiCoSaudiaSunbulah GroupSyncTotal EnergiesKey Car RentaSABAl MunajemAl Ula FilmTasaruAlfa Co.Salam TelecomHawaeiSaudi TourismSalam Mobile


activationconsultancyCreative communicationcreative conceptualisationDigital strategyinfluencer relationsmarketingmarketing communicationsmarketing scienceproductionsocial mediastrategy

LATEST ABOUT Publicis Communications KSA