


  • Type of agency

    Social platform

  • Head office

    Abu Dhabi

  • Year founded



Year founded: 2012

Regional HQ: Abu Dhabi

Offices in the region: Beirut, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Cairo, Riyadh

Number of users worldwide 75m registered users globally

What Anghami stands for

“No matter who you are or where you come from, we all have something to say. Go ahead. Make some noise. The world is listening.”

User demographics

Anghami has a wide and unique reach in terms of demographics. More than 60 per cent of our users in the region are loyal to the platform. At Anghami we nurture communities. We cater for different music personas, generations and interests. Our users are young, ambitious and tech savvy. They are driven by local values and prioritise their families and friends. They have multiple interests including music, tech, gaming, fashion, sports and food.

Biggest misconception about the platform?

The biggest misconception is that Anghami has Arabic content only. Anghami has a library of 72 million Arabic and international tracks and 6 million local and global artists.

What are the KPIs brands look for on your platform?

Brand love, ad recall, purchase intent, engagement, store visits, leads.

What new features can we look forward to in the next year?

Stay tuned as lots of new ad products, features and experiences will be made available to brands online and offline. From unique ad experiences and exclusive content sponsorships to once-in-a-lifetime offline experiences that brands can be part of.

Do you have anything special planned for Ramadan?

Anghami is the only platform that offers a personalised Ramadan experience to its users, giving users the flexibility to live the Holy Month their way. Those who wish to only access religious content can restrict it to that, and those who wish to listen to their usual content can also keep doing that.


Joubran Abdul Khalek, head of commercial unit


What is one thing about your platform that you wish more marketers knew?

Anghami today offers brands the users’ undivided attention. Anghami is a platform where your brand will be heard, seen and noticed. Audio being at the core of our experience, brands can cut the visual clutter and engage with an active audience. The beauty of audio is that it delivers the message while giving your brain enough space to wonder. It unlocks a world of creativity that cannot be seen.

Tell us just one inspirational piece of marketing to look for that will show us what amazing things marketers can do with your platform.

Banque Misr – a brand that became a musical artist loved by millions. In 2018 Banque Misr started releasing yearly motivational songs, spreading messages of positivity during Ramadan. By committing to this strategy year-on-year, Banque Misr became a well-loved artist on Anghami – increasing brand love by 56 per cent and ad awareness and favourability by 24 per cent.

What innovation on your platform are you most excited to see marketers use?

In one word, data. Anghami first-party data will be at the fingertips of agencies and advertisers. We have uploaded 98 million registered users into a customer data platform (CDP), which is where our audiences will be segmented. Advertisers will be able to buy Anghami audiences through programmatic and social media platforms at scale with about 55 first-party data attributes.