
Campaign’s Digital to Watch 2023 – Marco Al Issa, PPC Account Manager, Croud

Campaign’s Digital to Watch 2023 – Marco Al Issa, PPC Account Manager, Croud

Age: 28

Nominated by Nisha Patel, Director of Croud, MENA:
Marco has a deep interest in his field which I see as his driving force day to day. Any challenge presented is approached in a calm and methodical manner – a hard skill to master. He is always presenting new technologies and approaches to provide valuable disruption that pushes varied thinking. Not only does Marco focus his learning on his channel but also remains open to wider topics within the industry – often being able to bring this back in a digestible manner for the team. He is a present and future leader and mentor of his field.

Career highlights

As a PPC Account Manager, I have been successfully managing multiple client accounts across a wide range of industries. Adapting to each client and industry taught me to react quickly and perform in order to achieve the main objective of the client.

Guiding principles

Data-driven approach: Using data to inform my decision-making and measuring the success of the campaigns. This helps me optimise my efforts and improve the results over time.

Continuous learning: Digital marketing is constantly evolving, so it’s important for me to stay up-to-date with the latest trends, tools, and techniques. Investing in ongoing learning and development to be able to stay ahead of the curve.

Go back to main article: Campaign’s Digital Faces to Watch 2023