
Campaign’s Media Faces to Watch 2020 – Anthony Bou Akel, Senior performance executive, Performics MENA

Campaign’s Media Faces to Watch 2020 – Anthony Bou Akel, Senior performance executive, Performics MENA

Age: 29

Feras Hamtini client solutions and strategy lead, Performics: Since the day Anthony joined Performics, he’s been proving his ability to learn and develop his media knowledge in performance marketing. His right attitude to keep learning from every single opportunity put him as the go-to person when it comes to driving great improvements in any account he handles. His dedication and self-organisation skills set him up for an accelerated growth, and his always-on learning mindset created the perfect example of a future veteran who will have a strong experience in all digital fronts.

Career highlights

I began my career as a paid search specialist at Performics Beirut in 2017 handling Samsung MENA, a challenging yet digitally accelerated client – quickly pushing the boundaries of digital performance and personalisation through the integration of mar-tech solutions. From there on, I moved to Dubai, handling Nestlé’s digital performance portfolio in addition to specialising in digital proprietary growth solutions, cross-selling across the Groupe. Throughout I have won multiple global awards, most famously for the Performics Global Vanguard, integrating data insights and learnings across channels while breaking the wall-garden between Google and Facebook Audience sharing

Guiding principles

Passion. In an ever-evolving digital realm, it is key to have consistent drive and desire to learn, adapt and enhance – beyond expectations.

Dream job

Opening a concept restaurant. I love to bring people together over a nice meal to share, laugh and simply have a good time.

Side hustle

I enjoy history, politics and economics – a concoction for international relations and affairs. It has always been an intriguing subject but never for a career to pursue. In addition, to playing online RPG & MMORPG games on both desktop and mobile.


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