
Campaign’s Digital Faces to Watch 2024 – Aya Taher, Senior Art Director, Dentsu Creative

Campaign’s Digital Faces to Watch 2024 – Aya TaherSenior Art DirectorDentsu Creative

Age: 30

Nominated by Bianca GeaterDesign Director, MENA:
In our industry, agility is not just advantageous; it’s essential. Creatives must embody versatility and multidisciplinary skills, coupled with organizational finesse to navigate the demands of their craft. Aya stands out as the epitome of this. Her unique blend of creativity and systematic logic creates an environment conducive to exceptional work. As a mentor on our team, Aya generously shares her expertise, empowering fellow creatives to refine their skills. Aya’s unparalleled ability to stay ahead across diverse client portfolios while delivering passionately crafted work sets her apart.

Career highlights

Being an art director in DC enabled me to achieve several milestones that stem from my team’s success and continuous development. Some of the milestones achieved last year, included utilizing AI for multiple campaign sales, a personal 2023 highlight. Doubling Papa Johns Pizza sales during the brand refresh campaign in UAE, Barakat’s on going brand success, & actively contributing to brand & product development in Saudi Arabia. This opportunity allowed me to collaborate with top talents across various industries enhancing productivity, creativity & elevating client experience across the region.

Guiding principles

Belief: No one succeeds alone, you must lead supportively and have your colleagues back to learn and excel. Everything can be taught and figured out, with consistency, discipline, and supporting colleagues within and beyond our team, is the easier said-than-done equation to a collaborative success.

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